Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I don't believe it...!!!!

My daily fortune on the orkut page said that I will come into a large inheritance. and the thing is I did .. !!!
Someone in the laundry room had left a Box full of stuff saying "Take what you please ... !!!!" ....
At first I thought it would be some junk. But NO. It was an absolute treasure trove...!!!! Full of amazing stuff to eat.

Honey, Chocolate Sauce, Jams, basil, herbs, bolougniase sauce, other sauces, different types of coffee, Olive oil, the entire works...!!!!
and lurking just behind the Marmalade, was a jar full of my favourite NUTELLA .. !!!!


the bose inc said...

oori ssssalaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Kolor said...

@ basu

u said it...

el cid said...

lucky dog. lol

Abhishek Madan said...

wait till the crap don't stop. Ya homie, that shit was drugged yo.. Shizzle mah nizzle.
Does paris have Le Ghetto?

Good Basu wasn't around...

Basu+someone else's food= disaster

Basu+his own food=?

Who am I kidding! Basu never has food! He borrows maggi and tries to repay via perverted sexual favours. Shame on you basu. And you still owe me a blowj..err..maggi.

Kolor said...

ya very lucky...

Le Ghetto... Are you kidding ???
It's practically a blackhood. Check out the French soccer team if u want a refresher...

Abhishek Madan said...

You racial mongoloid..:P
I'm not talking about BEING black.. are they the ghetto style black or are they like totally different black people?

Kolor said...


Its a pot pourri... there is a huge amount of Moroccan, Algerian and tunisian,Senegalese influence too...

All forming the Le Ghetto...

Aytidaa Madras said...

wow tasty :D
ull grow fat, give it to me :D

Beautiful Mind said...

lol did u check the expiry date???

Kolor said...

Im already fat.... so :P thenga

ya it's perfectly fine... good for another few years. :) :)