Thursday, June 19, 2008


The Reichstag in Berlin is the German equivalent of the Parliament in New Delhi. Or is it ?
In both places politicians sit and hanker over the pettiest of issues. The parliament has its own idiosyncracies like chair throwing and fun riots to break the monotony. Likewise, the Reichstag has its own idiosyncracy too. When the politicians are tired of bickering with each other, they just look up. And who do they see? Looking down upon them are the people. Certainly helps put things in perspective.


el cid said...


On which level should I stand to avoid being hit by a chair hurled at me?

the bose inc said...

Bih**i: "are maaro bhonsa*i wale ko upar dekh raha. "
Bih**i: "niche dekh ke kam kar gudbag"

Kolor said...

Depends on who's hand the chair is in...
Stay clear of Mayawati.. !!!

Kolor said...

@ basu...

look whos talking...

Abhishek Madan said...

Do they have toilets are can we just pee straight down?
They're Germans, they'll think its beer anyway. :D

Kolor said...


hahaha... Hot Beer..!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah! Now I understand the reason why you have started linking Deutscheland all of a sudden. :)

Kolor said...

@ fracturdo

yup am a major fan...

Aytidaa Madras said...

gr8 pic man :D urs? :P (no rite?)

but yeah, kinda terrible to allow ppl in during parliament times eh?

they shud stop it.

Kolor said...

@ adidas

hehehe... wont the terrorists just love it..